Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bed Bug Feeding Time!!

Bed Bugs Feeding on a Mans Arm

Have you ever wondered how bed bugs grow and multiply so fast? They need warm blood:) Bed bugs cannot survive without blood, and humans are a convenient source of food for them. I have been in homes where the undersides of beds, and other areas have looked like this. I had to post this video of Lou Sorkin feeding his bed bug populations (or his kids as he calls them)! 

Warning: do not watch if you have a weak stomach!
                                         Thanks to Lou Sorkin for feeding these hungry bed bugs!

Sleep tight! Don't let the bed....


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Monday, February 13, 2012

Dormitory Bed Bug Cases Growing

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln was in the news a couple weeks back when a student stated the school had asked her to keep quiet about a bed bug problem she had reported. They hired a bed bug exterminator to come and do a thorough bed bug inspection in there dorm rooms. Since then they have discovered bed bugs in 54 rooms according to 6News 

This is a great example of what the problem is with keeping an issue like this quiet... The more they try to hide it or let it go, the more severe the infestation gets, and very quickly. Bed bugs will not just "go away" and need to be tackled head on if found. The need for proactive bed bug inspections is more important now than ever. Nip them in the butt the second they are found before they spread. Having bed bug protocols in place will help in preventing future infestations, and minimize the effects of them if they do happen!

Have a great day!


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Friday, February 10, 2012

Bed Bug Heat Treatments vs. Liquid, fume, etc...

Bed Bug Treatments (Heat Vs. Others)

I was reading an article on the differences between heat and other bed bed bug treatments and though I may as well google "bed bug heat treatments.." I ran into the link to Wikepedia and decided to just post what they have on their site regarding bed bug heat treatments vs. others.
It is a lot to read, but worth it! Enjoy!

The pesticide approach often requires multiple visits and may not always be effective due to pesticide resistance and dispersal of the bed bugs. According to a 2005 survey, only 6.1% of companies claim to be able to eliminate bed bugs in a single visit, while 62.6% claim to be able to control a problem in 2-3 visits. Insecticide application may cause dispersal of bed bugs to neighbouring areas of a structure, spreading the infestation. Furthermore, the problem of insecticide resistance in bed bug populations increases their opportunity to spread. Studies of bed bug populations across the United States indicate that resistance to pyrethroid insecticides, which are used in the majority of bed bugs cases is widespread.  Exterminators often require individuals to dispose of furniture and other infested materials. It is advisable to break or mark these infested items to prevent their being unintentionally recycled and furthering the spread of bed bugs.

Non-residue methods of mattress treatment are desired in place of contaminating mattresses with insecticides. Spraying the mattress with insecticide is undesirable as the room must be suitably ventilated, sufficient time must be given after application before the mattress can be used again and there is a risk of the user having an allergic reaction to the chemicals, not to mention other possible health risks including cancer and acute neurotoxicity.
Concerns over the possible health effects of pesticides on people and pets, as well as the dispersal of bed bugs to neighbouring dwellings due to repellent effects of insecticides, make the practice of chemically treating the mattresses problematic.

Pesticide resistance
Bed bugs are developing resistance to various pesticides including DDT and organophosphates.
Some populations have developed a resistance to pyrethroid insecticides. Although now often ineffective, the resistance to pyrethroid allows for new chemicals that work in different ways to be investigated, so chemical management can continue to be one part in the resolving of bed bug infestations. There is growing interest in both synthetic pyrethroid and the pyrrole insecticide, chlorfenapyr. Insect growth regulators, such as hydroprene (Gentrol), are also sometimes used.
Populations in Arkansas have been found to be highly resistant to DDT, with an LD50 of more than 100,000 ppm. DDT was seen to make bed bugs more active in studies conducted in Africa.
Bed bug pesticide-resistance appears to be increasing dramatically. Bed bug populations sampled across the U.S. showed a tolerance for pyrethroids several thousands of times greater than laboratory bed bugs.[16] New York City bed bugs have been found to be 264 times more resistant to deltamethrin than Florida bed bugs due to mutations and evolution.
A population genetics study of bed bugs in the United States, Canada, and Australia using a mitochondrial DNA marker found high levels of genetic variation. This suggests the studied bed bug populations did not undergo a genetic bottleneck as one would expect from insecticide control during the 1940s and 1950s, but instead, that populations may have been maintained on other hosts such as birds and bats. In contrast to the high amount of genetic variation observed with the mitochondrial DNA marker, no genetic variation in a nuclear RNA marker was observed. This suggests increased gene flow of previously isolated bed bug populations, and given the absence of barriers to gene flow, the spread of insecticide resistance may be rapid.

Physical isolation

Isolation of humans is attempted with numerous devices and methods including zippered bed bug-proof mattress covers, bed-leg moat devices, and other barriers. However, even with isolated beds, bed bug infestations persist if the bed itself is not free of bed bugs, or if it is re-infested, which could happen quite easily.

Inorganic materials

Inorganic materials such as including boric acid and diatomaceous earth may be used in conjunction with other methods to manage a bed bug infestation, provided they are used in a dry environment. Upon contact with such dust-like materials, the insect's waxy outer layer of their exoskeletons is disrupted, which causes them to dehydrate.

Disposal of contaminated belongings

Disposal of items such as mattresses, box springs, couches etc. is a costly process and rarely solves the problem. Instead, new furniture is usually infested. The movement of infested furniture also facilitates the spread of bed bugs.


Vacuuming helps reduce bed bug infestations, but does not eliminate bed bugs hidden inside of materials.

Cold treatment

Cold treatment offers an efficient inexpensive method of control. Bedbugs are highly temperature sensitive. They are adapted to live in sheltered indoor places with stable temperature and no air flow. If subjected to cold air and air flow their population number plummets over approximately a ten day period. To control a bedbug population using this method it is sufficient to place a few desktop fans on the floor around the bed or infested area, positioned to make sure there is a continuous circulating air flow in the whole area for at least 3-4 hours each day. A window should be kept well open, or air-conditioning used. Bite incidence typically goes down to 1-4 per month after ten days and stays at that level.
The advantage of the method is very low cost and effective control with reliable, stable outcome. However it does not appear possible to completely eradicate a bedbug population in this way. It is unclear whether this is because there always will be very small sheltered places left where founder populations can survive, or whether it is due to re-infestation from smaller populations elsewhere in the room, adjacent rooms, or brought in from outside. Bite incidence usually begins to increase around 3 weeks after the cooling regime is discontinued, and returns to the untreated level within a few months.
For complete eradication, freezing equipment is used to kill pests with cold temperatures. An example of this would be Cryonite, which uses the cooling properties of CO2, spraying a snow at a temperature of -78.5°C. Though bed bugs can tolerate a broad range of temperatures, -14 to 44 °C, they cannot survive body freezing or extreme heat.[23] As with approaches such as vacuuming and steaming, freezing sprays may not reach bed bugs that are hidden inside walls, furniture or appliances.

Heat treatments:

Steam treatment can effectively kill all stages of bed bugs. Unfortunately, bed bugs hide in a diversity of places, making steam treatment very tedious, labour intensive and time consuming. There is also the risk of the steam not penetrating materials enough to kill hidden bed bugs. The steam may also damage materials such as varnished wood, or cause mold from the moisture left behind. Requires repeated and very thorough steaming of the mattress, boxspring, bed frame, bed covers, pillows, not to mention other materials and objects within the infested room, such as carpets and curtains.

Clothes dryer
Clothes dryer can be used for killing bed bugs in clothing and blankets. Infested clothes and bedding is first washed in hot water with laundry detergent then placed in the drier for at least 20 minutes at low heat. However, this does not eliminate bed bugs in the mattress, bed frame and surrounding environment. Sterilized fabrics from the dryer are thus easily re-infested. Continually treating materials in this fashion is labour intensive, and in itself does not eliminate the infestation.

Room or building heat treatment
This method of bed bug control involves raising room temperatures to or above the killing temperature for bed bugs, which is around 45 °C. Heat treatments are generally carried out by professionals, and may be performed for a single dwelling or even to heat fumigate an entire building. Some of the drawbacks for heat treatments include the amount of time required to bring core temperatures high enough to effectively kill bed bugs that may have taken refuge within materials. This contributes to the professional heat treatments being generally expensive procedures. Following a heat-treatment, a room may be easily re-infested, as bed bugs are able to retreat into cracks and crevasses in walls, ceilings and floors, where they may escape treatment.
Thank you!
Ben @ CimTrax

References: Received on 2/10/12.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Worst bed bug infestation videos!

I saw many infestations that would shock most people but never took any videos so I found some on youtube worth showing...

It amazes me how some people could ever let it get to this point... blows me away!


And 1 more for before bedtime...:)

Actually I cant resist.. 1 more!
This is one for the people who shop at garage sales, second hand stores, etc... ( I do also, but just be careful!!) I treated a home for a lady and she had bought an alarm clock similar to this one, that was full of bed bugs, and she never knew until it was too late)

Sleep tight, Don't let the bed.................


Friday, February 3, 2012

Bed bugs becoming #1 pest in the world?

I ran into a discussion on Linkedin today about a post talking about this..

I did a quick check on the county health department website and did a 12 month historical search on public 

complaints (to the county health department). I was at a bed bug symposium about a year ago and some 

representatives from this health department displayed a graph showing bed bug complaints vs. roaches. The line 

for roaches was dropping yearly and the line for bed bugs was climbing. Roaches still had the edge on amount 

of inbound complaints... Until NOW! I have attached the link to the site below. You can go in and look at all 

sorts of fun stuff..

Bed bug complaints: 162 

Roaches: 116

That is amazing.. Bed bugs are slowly (or quickly?) becoming the #1 pest in the world.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Do I have bed bugs??

I recently received a book from one of the authors of "Bed Bug Beware- An easy to understand guide to bed bugs, their prevention and control." This is a great book and is a must read if you are in the pest control industry and battling bed bugs. For the non-pest control people out there who are wanting more information it also talks about common bed bug myths, and has a great FAQs section, along with good clear pictures of bed bugs, and infestations. 

Some of the questions covered and answered are as follow: (I will just list a few)

If I get bitten at night does it mean I have bed bugs?
No, there are many different things that could have caused the bite, bed bugs being just one of them.

When I was in pest control, I would go on many inspections of people who were getting bitten, and it turned out it was something other than bed bugs. However, many of these cases WERE bed bugs... If you are in doubt, search for a pest control company that has a specialized bed bug division and many of them will offer a free visual inspection of your residence, office, etc. 

Do bed bugs carry disease?
No, although bed bugs can bite and draw blood they do not spread any diseases. 

I have read articles about bed bugs possibly being able to spread MRSA and other bacterial infections, but have not seen any proof that this is true. It has been found that they are carriers of several diseases but have no way to transfer them from person to person.

How big are bed bugs?
The best way I can come up with to describe them is to look at an apple seed. This is a good indication of the size and relative shape of bed bugs. They can get up to 3/16 of an inch full grown. The baby bed bug is going to be very hard to see due to them being a light cream/clear color, and very small.

Can I get rid of them if they are in my house or hotel room?
Yes, if the infestation is light then you can treat it yourself, but if the bed bugs are well established then you must contact a professional pest management service to eradicate the problem. Do your homework and interview several companies. If you discover them in a hotel room, then report it to reception at once and demand to be moved to another room. Also ask them what their bed bug protocols are.

Still have questions?? This book can be found at Amazon and is well worth the investment.

Or feel free to contact us at any time!

Have a great day!